I must be a true Porsche fanatic, because I can’t imagine getting rid of ANY Porsche. I’ve already got a list of Porsches I’d like to own someday. As much as I think I’d just like to own one at a time, I think I’d probably end up being more of a collector sort because I’d have a hard time parting with a car that was on the list. Again, I think I’m just a junior high boy at heart (the collecting part at least).
So when I come across people wanting to trade their Porsches, it’s always interesting to see what they’re wanting to trade for. It’s kind of like they’re placing a value on the car (which they technically are), but more than that, I see it as them placing a value on Porsche ownership overall. Again, maybe I’m just a Porsche freak, but I always think that “ownership” is as valuable as the car itself. That’s one of the reasons I’m amazed at Boxster prices and that more people aren’t snatching them up, just to have a taste of what owning a Porsche is all about.
I’ve come across a couple of somewhat interesting trade offers on Craigslist lately.
First Trade is an offer for a 1988 Carrera Targa. It’s Guards Red and looks like it’s in really good condition. He’s asking $18,800 OR trade for a Class C Motorhome. I guess I can see that being a reasonable trade. It’s not like he wants a backhoe or anything.
Second Trade is a fella looking to trade a 1974 914 “for a truck”. The 914 is being rebuild right now. That’s all he has to say. An in process rebuilder 914 for your truck. Think he’d take an old Ford Ranger in trade? How about one of those Volkswagen Rabbit Pickups? Don’t know why I have a hard time with it, I guess it just seems a little white trash.
I’m sure I’m the one who has the problem here. For some reason I just have issue with people who want to trade their Porsches for other stuff. Selling a Porsche doesn’t bother me, but trading kind of makes it feel like the Porsche isn’t worth anything anyway, so give me your junk, I’ll give you my junk (Porsche) and we’ll all be happy. Just seems wrong. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way…
You are not the only one who feels that way!
With so many people trying to unload motorhomes right now due to the economy I think trade #1 actually has a possibility of happening. I’m guessing the Targa is in a little better condition than the work-in-progress 914. I’d be a little leery of the quality of work being done to a Porsche that someone is willing to trade for a pickup truck. That being said, do you think he’d take trade for an El Camino?
Hey Ryan – your post prompted me to look this morning. Did you see these ones?
http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/1105933260.html – an ugly 928 that gets “100 smiles to the gallon” that is being offered up for yet another pickup or SUV
http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/1105315671.html – someone wants to trade their Honda Accord for a 944. I’m betting this one doesn’t get done.
http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/1102263978.html – this one says possible trade, but I don’t think it says for what. Would love to get your input / see what you think about this car.
Some good points there. Made me think about one or two things that I hadn’t before. Was anyone else like this?
Agree with you here. On of my friends had to trade in his Cayman for some SUV because he and his wife are starting a family. Another reason I don’t want to have kids unless I can keep the Porsche and the SUV 🙂
What did I do with that motor home I had sitting around? We need more details from the guy asking for a truck. I can go buy a nice $400-600 dollar truck if thats all he wants.
It’s just wrong to trade a Porsche for a Motorhome… unless of course Porsche starts to build motorhomes.
I’ve got an old skateboard that I would be willing to trade for a Porsche… and some real estate property in Florida. I can’t believe the insanity of these people.
People will try to trade anything now won’t they. At least they weren’t asking to trade an old mobil home.
It may be wrong to trade a Porsche for an RV, but I would argue that it is wronger to trade a Porsche for a pickup truck.
well jeremy i’ve got a really cool bicycle i’ll trade you for the 911, i’m sure more people will enter once they see my bike
This is like that red paperclip social experiment — only in reverse.
There are lots of people in this world who dont appreciate a good thing..I say great, opportunity for me!
I have a 1988 928s4 I am not using and will swap for a reliable car for my 23 year old daughter to drive. Also need motor home to use as residence. Thanks Walt