Archives for December 18, 2008

Diesel Boxster

I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t get this one.  Diesel Boxster?  A Cayenne I can kind of see.  Really, they can do whatever they want to the Cayenne.  I don’t like them to begin with.  But the Boxster?!  I actually like those. It looks like we may be seeing the Diesel Boxster as soon as […]

E-Porsche…Silent but Deadly

We’ve seen some electric Porsches surface from time to time. Well meaning Porsche enthusiasts applying their engineering prowess and desire to greenify our favorite brand. Everything from 914s to 944s and 911s to 356s have been electrified by “green” Porscheophiles. At least they’re doing something reasonable with their Porsches unlike the Porsche 928 Pickup conversion. […]